I completed the 9-patches tonight. Wait. That's too easy to say. I completed putting together nine HUNDRED squares!!!!!!!! That's better. :D (But that's 800 seams!)

What's so sad is that if you put all the 9-patches together, it'd only cover 30x30 inches. All that work, for such a little amount? :P But I bet the finished results will be spectacular!
The bad thing about this mystery... it makes me forget that Christmas is like, oh, 12 days away! Ack. Nothing like putting panic in myself... and I haven't really gone shopping yet. Not to mention that I'm not celebrating with my side of the family this year, so it's no fun to think about buying them gifts and not be able to watch them open it. It's really fun to watch their expressions as they open your gifts, especially if they happen to be quilts! Like last year. :)
You have choosen beautilful colors Leah - I look forward to seeing the rest of this quilt. Solvi in Norway
Looks good. Can't wait to see what the next set of 9-patches does to the design.
Gotta get them made.
Looking real pretty, Leah! Can't wait to see the rest! I hope to conquer Zachary's quilt this weekend, God willing! VBS
We'll see....
Luv ya!
I love your blocks so far. The colors are great together.
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