Oooohhwhee! I never saw it coming. Took me totally by surprised. Handed me a bag with a sandwich in it for me... wait, what's that white box?
I'm still stunned, especially since this has been a rough week for me and I haven't been able to put on my best face. And said face's eyelid has started to blister (I rubbed it too much in my sleep thinking there was something in the corner of my eye) and attractive is the last word in my mind. :P
Now I just can't decide, should I have it sized to fit my ring finger or my middle finger? I think I'll do middle finger...
Christmas is certainly brightening up, even though I'm gonna be late with my side of the family's gifts. :)
Beautiful! Merry Christmas to you!
Oh, my! How Gorgeous! It's totally you, Leah! We've been concerned for you, and praying you get better soon. Will we see you next week? Here's hoping!
Merry Christmas!
OH WOW! I'm suitably impressed!! It's absolutely gorgeous.
I know I'm an old woman an all, and old enuf to be your mother. With that said, I'd say ring finger, it's more feminine.
Either way, you can have it made smaller, or even larger, at any time.
What a beautiful ring!
Hope you feel better soon.
I love that ring. Of course Emerald as green is your favorite color. Looks as though your hubby listens! YAY! He seems like a keeper.
Hope you are feeling better.
MERRY CHRISTMAS! Many Blessings to your and your family
That's a beautiful ring. I guess he kinda likes you. =)
Wow Leah! It's great! Yep he's a keeper ! I hope you're feeling better -
What a beauty! That's some Christmas gift!!! Enjoy.
Now there's a guy who knows how to give good gifts!! Gorgeous. Middle finger. When you get to be my age, you end up having too many rings to fit on the ring finger and one this special needs to have a finger all it's own all of the time IMHO.
Merry Christmas and hope you are feeling better!
Oh Leah - it is beautiful! What a sweetie to surprise you now when you need it!
I would keep your DH too. What a wonderful gift. I hope you're feeling better for the holidays.
You must keep hubby! Great ring!
Merry Christmas to you and your family!!!
You poor thing. I hope you are feeling better. Beautiful ring. Have a Merry Christmas.
How lovely that he picked this out for you as a complete surprise!! Hope you're feeling better soon :)
What a Great DH. Congrats on teh ring and for having a DH who is in touch with you.
He's a keeper for sure! The ring is beautiful.
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