She loves that it's purple, her favorite color for years. I pointed out the bunny quilting (which I didn't get a picture of *sigh*). Show mom the handdyed backing - it's a little splottchy. :P

On Wednesday morning before I left, I needed to go to the DMV with my dad cuz there were complications with my car registration. I also wanted to stop by my parent's company shop to visit with my aunt who works there and show her the quilt. I had to wake Sarah up at 7:10am and "steal" the quilt from her, the only blanket she was sleeping with! :) My aunt loved the quilt and commissioned me to make one for her granddaughter due in September. :)
Sarah got her own label too - first time I have tried "applique" cuz I didn't want to stitch through the quilt.

The quilt pattern is from Bonnie Hunter's site, Pineapple Blossom. I did it without any sashing.
I also remember to take pictures of Sarah's "award" quilts that she got from her show rabbits, Bambi and Zaeda. I'm not sure which rabbit got what, but she won pretty much because she was still legally a minor at the time and most kids don't have show quality rabbits.

BOB stands for Best of Breed and BOSB should be Best of Show Breed.

Sarah keeps these on the back of her bedroom door. If you want more details about Bambi, read this. :)
Oh, and the instructions to do a strippy binding are here.
very pretty quilts - love the purple one!!
It's a beautiful quilt Leah - you did a wonderful job.
Ooh that is lovely, I have been collecting purples / lilacs - I'm way tempted to do something similar now I've seen yours.
Sarah's quilt is gorgeous! But I loved it when you showed it before too! I really think you do such great quilts!
The quilt turned out wonderfully--I do love those pineapple blossoms in about any color I've seen!
Your sis looks a lot like you but then you have probably heard that all your lives.
Very nice. I looks really good in purple and white. Might have to try one in orange.
Very nice. I looks really good in purple and white. Might have to try one in orange.
I absolutely love the purple quilt. It looks great with out the sashing. I need to get that pattern. LOL.
Thanks for sharing.
Love the way this quilt turned out. All those yummy purples :)
Good for you for labeling the quilt too. Both your purple quilts are great, I was sure the recipient would really appreciate it. She looks like a model showing it off.
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