-days I last posted: 14
-quilts I completed: 1... sorta. Do table runners count? ;)

-colds my husband has gotten: 1
-colds I have gotten: 0 Whoo! :D
-people I need to have Christmas gifts for: 22
-quilts being made for gifts: 5
-and of those 5 that are done: 0
-quilt tops done: 1... sorta. I need to put on one round of borders.

I hope my husband hasn't guessed, since I HAVE worked on the quilt when he was home. :)
-of minds I have lost: 1 out of 1... I want to quilt his quilt with extra high loft batting and polar fleece backing. All on my regular sewing machine. Hello? Hello? Why are you all running away? :P
So yes... little bit hetic this month. And I signed up for World of Warcraft so I can play with my husband. Somehow I've managed to play over 15 hours in a week and a half.
Oh shoot! I just realize that I don't have 19 days to complete the quilts, but only 17. We're likely leaving on the 23rd to meet up with my family. Eh, I can sew binding in the car! :D And do you think I could convince my husband to drive slower?
Is there any question at all why I'm going insane? :P
mmmmm . . . sounds like you've bitten off quite a bit. I suggest you either (a) give up now; (b) not sleep from now until Christmas or (c) postpone Christmas, maybe even (d) none of the above.
Good luck and I'll say a prayer that you don't get your husband's cold.
I'm with Sweet p...postpone Christmas. And when you make your request to the North Pole, could you please ask on behalf of quilter's everywhere??? Actually...Leah, you are an amazing inspiration to all of us who read your blog. I look at how you fit your quilting into your little space and around you and your husband and I think to myself...Wow! This is one amazing young woman!
I am such a slug....I have 1/2 days to quilt, and I don't do it...you put me to shame.
Love the numbers post!
Ohhh, like your depression quilt in blues and greens.
I'm a great believer in machine stitching that binding down, unless you're doing something all hand done and heirloom quality. I put that clear thread on the bobbin, and matching thread in the top, and away I go. :D
I think you're going to have to give up sleeping from now until xmas - then you can sleep in the car instead of stitching!! Good luck with your ambitious plans. Loving the quilt for your DH :)
Whew! You have alot on your plate! Loved the "number" post - very cute!
Leah, I LOVE this quilt. I've saved a picture of it in my "someday" file.
Good luck with your list!! Love the way the quilt for your husband is coming together.
Love the lists, nothing wrong with having a plan. That quilt for your hub looks really great. Tracey
I just did 2 bindings completely by machine - I sewed the binding to the BACK of the quilt and then folded it over and top stitched it down on the top. Cutting the binding 1 1/2" gave me a seam allowance slightly larger than 1/4" on the back (the width of my sister's pressure foot on her machine) and plenty of room to fold over to the front. I used matchng top thread for the binding, backing fabric color for the bobbin - and didn't use any pins - it went fairly fast! Good luck with your Christmas lists.
If I had seen this post first, I would have commented on maybe reducing your goals, and not make 5 quilts, but since I saw how much progress you had made, I think you have a lot more energy and capability to zoom along than I do. Way to go! Keep plugging away!
I really like the blues and greens colors in this quilt and the beautiful quilt design, and of course, the wonderful work you've done on it.
oooo nice runner! And your husbands quilt looks wonderful!
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