I finished 2 customer quilts, put the last stitch in on Sunday. Got them washed and was very happy to see that the fabric pens I bought didn't fade at all.

I love the blue in the firetruck quilt, it looks like water or a blue flame. Quilted with loops and stars.

This was my first time sewing on a separate label BEFORE the quilting. I feel better about it too, it's not going to be easy for somebody to just run a seam ripper around the label's edge; they would have to undo some quilting too.

The dinosaur quilt made in checkerboard style. Quilted with a meander.

Both quilts are 36" square, great nap quilts and I hope the boys who will be receiving them love their quilts. :)
I am sure they will. I especially love the firetruck one!
I'm glad that you are feeling better. The quilts turned out really well. The dinosaur one has given me an inspiration for my grandson's quilt. I said I'd make everyone a quilt for Christmas this year and am running out of time and energy. He's little and will destroy his, so simple is better, and your dinosaur is perfect for his baseball quilt. Thanks!!
It amazes me that you do this on your sewing machine and not a long arm. The little ones will love them.
So THAT'S what you've been up to! Wonderful work as usual Leah.
Glad your itchies are almost gone, be kind to that skin.
Those little quilts are lovely and the little boys will love them. Glad to know you are feeling better and getting back into the swing!
Those little quilts are lovely and the little boys will love them. Glad to know you are feeling better and getting back into the swing!
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