Just in case I didn't like the finished results, I did the mystery in the smallest size offered, twin sized. Then the blocks sat. And sat. And sat. I might have moved them around a time or two, but I had no motivation to piece it into a top.
Then a few days ago, I realized I didn't like it because it was twin sized. Who uses twin size these days? Seems like everybody I know of uses queen or bigger. I thought about splitting the 24 blocks into 2 baby quilts. But I wasn't happy with the prospect of losing some of the design. Then duuuuuh! I'll make another block, set it 5x5 and have a lap quilt.

So last night I laid out the blocks in my best ability to make sure that larger pieces of the same fabric were not touching. My stash was so much smaller back then, so I "zested" it up with a slightly maverick looking 25th block. I bet you can find it, smack dab in the center. ;)
My first picture was this very blurry shot, because I had forgotten to reset my camera settings after trying to take pictures of the quilting I did.

It looks like some cool light/steam/magical thing going on. :)
And just now, I finished piecing it into a top. I'm planning for a small purple border and then a green border. It'll probably finish about 70" square. I think it'll look good with my green handdyed backing and be happy to sit on my dark green couch.

In case you didn't know, I love green. :D
I can't wait to see what I do tonight! I'm surprising myself with my full quilting force these days. Well... I do have a few things I "need" to do before saying hello to my machine again. Like, taking a shower and paying the rent and mailing some bills (need the new stamps, darn)... oops! And put away the laundry. Told hubby I would. :)
love the colors. i'm the same as you, i never do twin sizes either
It's very pretty and while not many people are using twin beds these days - a twin size quilt makes a wonderful sofa quilt especially for guys but even my daughter-in-law wants one to wrap up completely in.
Those are lovely colours Leah! Aren't you glad you got them done. I'm looking forward to seeing your quilting - you're sounding confident and that's really wonderful.
I think your greens and purples are starting to grow on me Leah! Another beautiful quilt!
I hate asking, but the last couple of days I have been reading about how to dye fabric. I see there are a few different ways (and products) to do this. Would you mind sharing with me how you do it. If you have time?
My email is gumpsjenny@yahoo.com
Beautiful greens and purples!
It looks great Leah!! Way to go!
Leah -
I love you latest quilts. You have been busy!!
I would love to hear your dyeing process. I soak my fabric in soda ash before I dye it but don't do anything to it afterwards. What do you do? Maybe you have already posted all this already - if so, just tell me where to find it.
Feel free to email me privately if you want!
the disorganized quilter
I'm not a green person, but I like this.
You've been busy!
What lovely color combinations - I love the swirly design. Can't wait to see the finished product!
Lovely! I would like to try that pattern some day.
It is wonderful! I"m so glad you finished it! Darn those bills anyway! We all would rather be quilting than paying bills - or working to pay the bills!
Love the colors in this one! It reminds me of lilacs for some reason, and I love lilacs!
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